T.J. Iwashyna, F. Curlin, and N.A. Christakis, "Racial, Ethnic, and Affluence Differences in Elderly Patients’ Use of Teaching Hospitals" Journal of General Internal Medicine, 17(9): 696-703 (September 2002)
T.J. Iwashyna, F. Curlin, and N.A. Christakis, "Racial, Ethnic, and Affluence Differences in Elderly Patients’ Use of Teaching Hospitals" Journal of General Internal Medicine, 17(9): 696-703 (September 2002)
T.J. Iwashyna, J.X. Zhang, and N.A. Christakis, "Disease-Specific Patterns of Hospice and Related Healthcare Use in an Incidence Cohort of Seriously Ill Elderly Patients" Journal of Palliative Medicine, 5(4): 531-538 (August 2002)
N.A. Christakis, T.J. Iwashyna, and J.X. Zhang, "Care After the Onset of Serious Illness (COSI): A Novel Claims-Based Dataset Exploiting Substantial Cross-Set Linkages to Study End-of-Life Care" Journal of Palliative Medicine, 5(4): 515-529 (August 2002)
E.B. Lamont and N.A. Christakis, "Physician Factors in the Timing of Cancer Patient Referral to Hospice Palliative Care" Cancer, 94(10): 2733-2737 (May 2002)
V.W. Chang and N.A. Christakis, "Medical Modeling of Obesity: A Transition from Action to Experience in a 20th Century American Medical Textbook" Sociology of Health and Illness, 24(2): 151-177 (March 2002)
E.B. Lamont, D.S. Lauderdale, R.L. Schilsky, and N.A. Christakis, "Construct Validity of Medicare Chemotherapy Claims: The Case of 5FU" Medical Care, 40(3): 201-211 (March 2002)
K.E. Steinhauser, N.A. Christakis, E.C. Clipp, M. McNeilly, S. Grambow, J. Parker, and J.A. Tulsky, "Preparing for the End of Life: Preferences of Patients, Families, Physicians, and Other Care Providers" Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 22(3): 727-737 (September 2001)
V.W. Chang and N.A. Christakis, "Extent and Determinants of Discrepancy Between Self-Evaluations of Weight Status and Clinical Standards" Journal of General Internal Medicine, 16(8): 538-543 (August 2001)
E.B. Lamont and N.A. Christakis, "Prognostic Disclosure to Patients with Cancer Near the End of Life" Annals of Internal Medicine, 133(12): 1096-1105 (June 2001)
K.E. Steinhauser, N.A. Christakis, E.C. Clipp, M. McNeilly, L. McIntyre, and J.A. Tulsky, "Factors Considered Important at the End of Life by Patients, Family, Physicians, and Other Care Providers" JAMA, 284(19): 2476-2482 (November 2000)