M. Alexander and N.A. Christakis, "Bias and Asymmetric Loss in Expert Forecasts: A Study of Physician Prognostic Behavior with Respect to Patient Survival" Journal of Health Economics, 27(4): 1095-1108 (July 2008)
M. Alexander and N.A. Christakis, "Bias and Asymmetric Loss in Expert Forecasts: A Study of Physician Prognostic Behavior with Respect to Patient Survival" Journal of Health Economics, 27(4): 1095-1108 (July 2008)
S.R. Connor, F. Elwert, C. Spence, and N.A. Christakis, "Racial Disparity in Hospice Use in the United States in 2002" Palliative Medicine, 22(3): 205-213 (April 2008)
K. E. Steinhauser, E. C. Clipp, J. C. Hays, M. Olsen, R. Arnold, N.A. Christakis, J.H. Lindquist, and J.A. Tulsky, "Identifying, Recruiting, And Retaining Seriously-Ill Patients And Their Caregivers in Longitudinal Research At The End Of Life" Palliative Medicine, 20(8): 745- 754 (December 2006)
M. Wen and N.A. Christakis, "Prospective Effect of Community Distress and Subcultural Orientation on Mortality Following Life-Threatening Disease in Later Life" Sociology of Health and Illness, 28(5): 558-582 (July 2006)
K.E. Steinhauser, C.I. Voils, E.C. Clipp, H.B. Bosworth, N.A. Christakis, and J.A. Tulsky, "Are You at Peace?’ One Item to Probe Spiritual Concerns at the End of Life" Archives of Internal Medicine, 166(1): 101-105 (January 2006)
M. Wen, K.A. Cagney, and N.A. Christakis, "Effect of Specific Aspects of Community Social Environment on the Mortality of Individuals Diagnosed with Serious Illness" Social Science and Medicine, 61(6): 1119-1134 (September 2005)
M. Wen and N.A. Christakis, "Neighborhood Effects on Post-Hospitalization Mortality: A Population-Based Cohort Study of the Elderly in Chicago" Health Services Research, 40(4): 1108-1127 (August 2005)
K. E. Steinhauser, E. C. Clipp, H. B. Bosworth, M. McNeilly, N.A. Christakis, "Measuring Quality of Life at the End of Life: Validation of the QUAL-E" Palliative and Supportive Care, 2(2): 3-14 (March 2004)
T.J. Iwashyna and N.A. Christakis, "Marriage, Widowhood, and Health Care Use" Social Science and Medicine, 57(11): 2137-2147 (December 2003)
N.A. Christakis and T.J. Iwashyna, "The Health Impact on Families of Health Care: A Matched Cohort Study of Hospice Use by Decedents and Mortality Outcomes in Surviving, Widowed Spouses" Social Science and Medicine, 57(3): 465-475 (August 2003)