T.J. Iwashyna, J. Zhang, D. Lauderdale, and N.A. Christakis, "Refinements of a Methodology for Detecting Married Couples in the Medicare Data" Demography, 37(2): 251-252 (May 2000)
T.J. Iwashyna, J. Zhang, D. Lauderdale, and N.A. Christakis, "Refinements of a Methodology for Detecting Married Couples in the Medicare Data" Demography, 37(2): 251-252 (May 2000)
N.A. Christakis and T.J. Iwashyna, "The Impact of Individual and Market Factors on the Timing of Initiation of Hospice Terminal Care" Medical Care, 38(5): 528-541 (May 2000)
K.E. Steinhauser, E.C. Clipp, M. McNeilly, N.A. Christakis, L.M. McIntyre, and J.A. Tulsky, "In Search of a Good Death: Observations of Patients, Families, and Providers" Annals of Internal Medicine, 132(10): 825-832 (May 2000)
N.A. Christakis and E.B. Lamont, "Extent and Determinants of Error in Doctors’ Prognoses for Terminally Ill Patients: Prospective Cohort Study" British Medical Journal, 320(7233): 469-473 (February 2000); reprinted in The Western Journal of Medicine 172(5): 310-313 (May 2000)
N.A. Christakis, "Prognostication and Bioethics" Daedalus, 128(4): 197-214 (Fall 1999)
J. Zhang, T.J. Iwashyna, N.A. Christakis, "The Performance of Different Lookback Periods and Sources of Information for Charlson Comorbidity Adjustment in Medicare Claims" Medical Care, 37(11): 1128-1139 (November 1999)
T.J. Iwashyna, N.A. Christakis, and L.B. Becker, "Neighborhoods Matter: A Population-Based Study of Provision of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation" Annals of Emergency Medicine, 34(4): 459-468 (October 1999)
E. Becher and N.A. Christakis, "Firearm Injury Prevention Counseling: Are We Missing the Mark?" Pediatrics, 104(3): 530-535 (September 1999)
D.A. Asch, K. Faber-Langendoen, J.A. Shea, and N.A. Christakis, "The Sequence of Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment from Patients" American Journal of Medicine, 107(2): 153-156 (August 1999)
E.B. Lamont and N.A. Christakis, "Some Elements of Prognosis in Terminal Cancer" Oncology, 13(8): 1165-1170 (August 1999)