
Friendship as a Health Factor

In a string of hot articles, two social scientists report that obesity, smoking, and other behaviors "spread" in networks. As the two friends expand their theory, doubters sharpen their questions. Originally published on January 23, 2009.

The Happiness Effect

The next time you get the flu, there will almost certainly be someone you can blame for your pain. There's the inconsiderate co-worker who decided to drag himself to the office and spent the day sniffling, sneezing and shivering in the cubicle next to yours. Or your child's best friend, the one who showed up for a playdate with a runny nose and a short supply of tissues. Then there's the guy at the gym who spent more time sneezing than sweating on the treadmill before you used it. Originally published on December 11, 2008.

Strangers May Cheer You Up, Study Says

New York Times article. Originally published on December 5, 2008.

Harvard Study: Happiness Really Is Contagious

We’ve all had experiences where the sight of someone smiling makes us smile, the sound of laughter makes us laugh. Well, turns out that there’s some science behind all that. Originally published on December 5, 2008.

Your Whole World Smiles With You

Happiness is contagious, spreading among friends, neighbors, siblings and spouses like the flu, according to a large study that for the first time shows how emotion can ripple through clusters of people who may not even know each other. Originally published on December 5, 2008.

Culture Can Change Our Genes [Kultur Verändert die Gene]

Der US-Mediziner Nicholas Christakis über die überschätzte Macht des Erbguts, die Wirkung sozialer Ansteckung und die erstaunliche Geschwindigkeit der menschlichen Evolution. Originally published on July 14, 2008.

Social Networks’ Sway May Be Underestimated

Facebook, MySpace and other Web sites have unleashed a potent new phenomenon of social networking in cyberspace. But at the same time, a growing body of evidence is suggesting that traditional social networks play a surprisingly powerful and underrecognized role in influencing how people behave. Originally published on May 26, 2008.

For Smokers, Quitting May Be Contagious

For better or worse, friends and family members can influence your health. If a close friend or spouse quits smoking, you're more likely to quit, medical experts say. But what if your friends' friends give up cigarettes? A recent study shows that the influence of social networks extends much further than you might think. Originally published on May 22, 2008.

Study Finds Big Social Factor in Quitting Smoking

New York Times article. Originally published on May 22, 2008.

Contagious Suicide [Selbsmord durch Ansteckung]

Breiten sich Religionen und politische Überzeugungen wie Epidemien aus? Sind auch Suizid, Fett- und Trunksucht ansteckend? Soziologen gehen diesen Fragen mit neuartigen Verfahren auf den Grund: Sie füttern Computer mit den Lebensdaten riesiger Menschenmengen. Originally published on April 26, 2008.
