Ruchit Nagar

Ruchit Nagar

Yale Undergrad

As of 2024, Ruchit Nagar is a Hospital Resident at Yale New Haven Health. Ruchit was an MPH student in Epidemiology of Microbial Disease at the Yale School of Public Health. He co-founded and directs Khushi Baby (culturally-appropriate, wearable, digital, medical passport and tracking system for the last mile in India). He's interested in tracking last mile health & generating demand and awareness for maternal and child health services. With HNL, Ruchit helped to map social networks in rural Udaipur, Rajasthan with the goal of better understanding how social network dynamics may affect child immunization adherence. As part of his thesis, he examined how the Khushi Baby intervention itself may act as a social signal for child health. Ultimately, Ruchit hopes to build a robust digital key for otherwise hidden populations to be connected to a new network of services.

Ruchit Nagar