Michael Barnett
As of 2024, Michael Barnett, MD, is an internal medicine and primary care resident at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He studies health policy questions from a network perspective. He is particularly interested in analyzing physician networks, such as those formed by referral and professional relationships, to better understand the organization and function of health care systems. His interests also include understanding variation in health care delivery, physician referrals, medical decision making, and primary care innovation.
Dr. Barnett graduated from Yale College in 2005 with a Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, and stayed at Yale for another year to get a Master of Music degree in Oboe Performance at the Yale School of Music. Realizing that he loved music as a lifelong pursuit but not a professional one, he enrolled at Harvard Medical School (HMS) in 2006 to receive his MD. He took a year on a Doris Duke Charitable Foundation fellowship to work with Nicholas Christakis and Bruce Landon in the HNL on physician networks and their relationship to health care delivery in the US.