Larry Bowman
As of 2024, Larry L Bowman, Jr. is on the faculty at East Tennessee State University. He was a postdoc in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the HNL. He received his PhD from Yale where he explored the interactions among temperature, life history, and physiology in zooplankton species, where he did extensive field work in Eastern Siberia (Lake Baikal) and coastal Connecticut lakes. His current research at the HNL is focused on the genomics of social networks and the connections between the human microbiome and the environment. He combines theory, field work, and population genetics to understand population biology in social networks and across complex, heterogeneous landscapes.
Recent publications:
Bowman Jr, Larry L., Daniel J. MacGuigan, Madeline E. Gorchels, Madeline M. Cahillane, and Marianne V. Moore. "Revealing paraphyly and placement of extinct species within Epischura (Copepoda: Calanoida) using molecular data and quantitative morphometrics." Molecular phylogenetics and evolution (2019): 106578.
Bowman, Larry L., et al. "Temperature gradient affects differentiation of gene expression and SNP allele frequencies in the dominant Lake Baikal zooplankton species." Molecular ecology 27.11 (2018): 2544-2559.
Bowman Jr, Larry L., et al. "A capital breeder in a heterogeneous environment: Lipid reserves and RNA: DNA ratio in Lake Baikal's endemic Epischura." Journal of Great Lakes Research 43.2 (2017): 280-288.