Feng Fu
As of 2024, Feng Fu is an assistant professor of applied mathematics in the Department of Mathematics and also has an adjunct appointment in the newly established Department of Biomedical Data Science at the Geisel School of Medicine. Prior to joining Dartmouth in September 2015, he was a senior postdoc in theoretical biology with Sebastian Bonhoeffer at ETH Zurich since September 2012. Before that, he held a research scientist position at Harvard's Program for Evolutionary Dynamics 2007 - 2102 (doctoral dissertation research '07-'10, and postdoc training '10-'12 both under Martin Nowak) and finished a research fellowship in health care policy with Nicholas Christakis at Harvard Medical School 2011-2012. He combines mathematical modeling approaches with statistical analyses of experimental and observational data, for a better understanding of (1) the evolution of cooperation, (2) behavior-disease interactions, and (3) cancer evolution. His previous work covers a few emerging topics of interest in the field of mathematical biology, with a particular emphasis on social networks, human behavior and public health, including imitation behavior of vaccination and its impact on public health, and predicting outcomes of treatment to eradicate the HIV latent reservoir. At the moment, his research is mainly focused on stochastic modeling of cancer evolution and infectious diseases as well as on the emergence of drug resistance, with particular respects to cancer and HIV treatments.
He received his B.Sc. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from Fudan University in 2004 and his Ph.D. in Dynamics and Control from Peking University 2010. He received the outstanding doctoral dissertation prize awarded by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education and Committee of Academic Degrees in 2011.