Nicholas A.
Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, is the Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale University. His work is in the fields of network science and biosocial science. He directs the Human Nature Lab and the Yale Institute for Network Science.

Overview of research areas in the Human Nature Lab
Research in the Human Nature Lab lies at the intersection of the social, biological, and computational sciences. We develop and apply novel insights about aspects of human nature that relate to our interactions with each other. We are interested in the emergent properties of social systems, and their social and evolutionary origins.
Experiments with Online Networks
Hybrid Systems of Humans and AI Agents
Experiments with Face-to-Face Networks
Biology of Social Interactions
Computational Social Science
Network Methodology
Featured publications
We aim to create and expand our understanding of how human social networks affect behavior and health, and how they are biologically and genetically encoded.
Our work
the world
Research in the Human Nature Lab lies at the intersection of the natural, social, and computational sciences. We develop and apply novel insights about the aspects of human nature that relate to our interactions with others.